On Friday June 28th, the Club thanked outgoing President, Doug Tozzi, for his year of leadership and welcomed the incoming President, Dudley Larus, as well as the new President Elect, Alison Weissinger. The meeting featured the ‘Passing of the Gavel’ Ceremony and we heard from the incoming President on his plans for the year. Plans include engaging with all members and asking them to select a Board Area such as Service projects or Membership and working with a Board member on one of the many committees associated with that area of the club. Also provided was a review of the recent, 'Club Satisfaction Survey' that showed that the club was doing most things well, but the survey pointed some areas where we could improve. This will help the new Board Members and Officers.
Incoming President, Dudley Larus being sworn in by Assistant Governor, Cynthia Edwards
Link to club satisfaction survey:
The Board of Direcdtors and Officers for 2024-25 are:
President | Dudley Larus |
Immediate Past President | Doug Tozzi |
President Elect | Alison Weissinger |
Secretary | Eric Lucas |
Treasurer | Pete Pfeiffer |
Sergeant-At-Arms | Luis Abularach |
Executive Secretary | Gloria Kusmik |
Public Image | Art Rosser |
Membership I | Lawrence Sharp |
Membership II | Jason Conn |
Club Administration I | Herb McCoy |
Club Administration II | Jennifer Topple |
Service Projects I | Maria Alverez |
Service Projects II | Doug Parks |
Foundation | Marion Curry |
Decatur Rotary Foundation | Alison Weissinger |
Decatur Rotary Foundation | Dudley Larus |
Decatur Rotary Foundation | Pete Pfeiffer |
Decatur Rotary Foundation | Tim Martin |
Decatur Rotary Foundation | Marion Curry |

President Elect, Alison Weissinger and Rolling Off President, Doug Tozzi