The Sister Agreement Signing Ceremony: Bing Martinez, representing the CEBU Club (left), Marion Curry, RI Foundation Chair and the Decatur Rotary liaison for the Sister Agreement, and President Dudley Larus address the club and complete the signing of the agreement.
The Sister Club Agreement
We the sister clubs, further agree that: The Decatur Rotary Club in RI District 6900, Georgia, United States of America and the Rotary Club of Cebu in RI District 3860, Philippines have mutually agreed to start their sister club relationship for the promotion of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional persons untied in the ideal of service.
1. Both Clubs, shall promote friendship and understanding between the two Clubs;
2. Both Clubs, shall endeavor, encourage visitation, either individually or in groups, and/or undertake social-cultural activities that promote understanding of each other's customs and traditions;
3. Both Parties shall exchange information pertaining to Rotary activities and
4. Both Clubs may undertake joint activities and joint projects as the Club's officers
deem appropriate in the pursuit of the object of Rotary;
5. The sister club relationship will be effective for a period of one (1) year, renewable by mutual consent as maybe agreed upon such terms and conditions by both parties hereof.
In view hereof, the Parties have here unto set their hands in this document on the 7 th of
June 2024.
Decatur Rotary Club
Doug Tozzi: 2023-24 President
Dudley Larus: 2024 -25 President
Marion Curry: RI Foundation Chair
Rotary Club of Cebu
Walter Cang: President
Brian Connelly: Internation Service Director